Monday, August 23, 2010

Play Dough

One thing all kids love is play dough. I make my own because it's cheap, easy, and you can actually encourage the kids to MIX COLORS! Here is the recipe I use.

You will need:
flour- 1 cup
salt- 1/2 cup
water- 1 cup
cooking oil- 1tsp
cream of tarter- 2tsp
food coloring

Here is what the kids can do:
Pour all of the ingredients except the food coloring together into a bowl. Stir it all up until it is smooth and then add food coloring a few drops at a time while continuing to stir until you get the color you want.
Here is the grown ups only part:
Pour the entire mixture into a pot and cook over medium heat. Continue to stir while it is cooking. It will gradually thicken until you can form it into a ball. Let it cool and then kneed it with your hands for a few minutes. Now give it back to the kids. It's ready to play with! You can store it in an air tight container or plastic bag.

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